Bowling Green, Kentucky ~ 1984

I’m a Strategist, an Activist,
and a

I can help you solve complex problems, craft a captivating identity,create a strategy, and actualize your greatest potential.

Who I am

Understanding someone’s motivation is the first step to trust. Explore My Story to learn about who I am and what drives me.


For over 25 years I’ve guided individuals and organizations to clarify their Identity and develop a Strategy for growth and impact.

I’m grateful for the privilege of weaving and co-creating with others. That’s where all the magic happens.

“The greatest threat to our planet isn’t a lack of awareness.
It’s a lack of union.”

Dax Dasilva, founder Age of Union

What is sacred to you?

What kind of messenger are you?

What priority is in need of your devotion?

What are you committed to cause?

“Be the human you wish the world was full of.”

Jared Angaza

I’ve had the honor of working with so many changemakers and futuremakers of the world.

It’s afforded me an expansive perspective and a lot of experience to pull from. I’m grateful for my journey, and excited to share what I’ve learned with you.

We are a devoted collective of guides bridging Eastern and Western Medicine, Science, and Indigenous Wisdom to steward the path of personal transformation.

We are a devoted collective of guides bridging Eastern and Western Medicine, Science, and Indigenous Wisdom to steward the path of personal transformation.

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View my blog page on Beehiiv and/or subscribe to receive updates in your inbox. I post a few times per month.